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I’ll be honest, when I first left home to become a goat herder in the rural Galician mountains, I didn’t think I’d fall in love with it as much as I did. I also didn’t think that I’d get my first ever feature in a big travel magazine, and yet that happened too. All in all, it was pretty sick; but now I’m left with no more words, just pictures.

(To read my first ever big travel feature, check out my piece in Hidden Europe!)

Goat farmer Galicia

Work goat farmer galicia

Work as goat farmer galicia

Work as a goat farmer galicia

goat farmer galicia Spain

Work goat farmer galicia Spain

Work as goat farmer galicia Spain

Work as a goat farmer galicia Spain

Things to go Galicia Spain

Things to do Galicia Spain

Places to go Galicia Spain

Guide to Galicia Spain

Guide to Galicia

Guide to Spain

Things to do in Galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

goat farmer in rural galicia

Before I left the farm, I got a ride from Juan, the owner, to the nearest town. We drove in silence pretty much the entire way.

‘What’s next?’ Juan asked, surprising me. He held out a hand for me to shake, and years of hard farm work were evident in the thick, tough skin.

It was one helluva question, and one which I didn’t have the answer to. Because at the end of the day, what could you possibly say to the man that has everything?


*And I did all of this whilst wearing my beautiful Magnesite stone bracelet from Molavaco.

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What a beautiful place! The pictures are amazing.

This would be such a cool experience, and these photos are beautiful… very artistic

What a cool share. I loved seeing all your photos. Beautiful experience.

What an experience, truly unique. I really love how your photos capture the essence of the house.

It is amazing how you were able to fall in love with something you never expected to. Those are great pictures….so cute….love the goats.

What a unique experience you’ve had! It looks very rural, yet artistic. Love how you captured it!

What a unique experience. Those baby goats are adorable, and the scenery is stunning!

Wow, these photos are amazing. My friend Rachel who loves goats would be so jealous of your experience.

This is such an incredible story!!! I love all of the photos as well.

What an amazing experience! That kitchen was awesome, and those views every day must have made everything worth it. I would love to do this… though probably only for a week or so! 🙂

This is so cool! I love that you were able to have such a unique and enriching experience. The pictures are amazing.

What a unique experience! Great landscapes and cute baby goats are always a plus!

This is literally my favorite thing ever!!! I want to go be a goat herder now😆 Thank you for sharing!

Your photos look absolutely amazing!

What a dream! Goats are amazing 🤩

Yes to becoming a goat herder for all these beautiful photos! Thanks for the idea.

Wow, I can imagine the peace and the solitude… you are so lucky.

I have always wanted to do something where I just work with my hands, build things, live from the land, work with animals. I guess that you also learnt some Spanish or Gallego in Galicia? One day I will do this!

I need to go to Galicia! I was told that it was beautiful but I hadn’t quite been imagining this. My next trip is ready to be to the north.

wow, what a beautiful place. how wonderful to stay in the mountains and live at peace with the earth.

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