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Here I am in London, where we’ve only just reached fall (although it’s hard to tell as it’s already pouring with rain and freezing) and yet I can’t stop myself from reminiscing the days last winter when I was back in Poland. It’s a pretty random place to miss when you think about it, especially as I slept in the tiniest dingy little room with my newly demoted ex-boyfriend, only £180 to my name and without any grasp of the language – or warm gloves. It was a massive culture shock being served vodka and blocks of butter with my lunch, with the flight home consisting of the plane falling out of the sky several times as it fought against a storm with everyone on board screaming. It’s the sort of trip most people would look back on and grimace, and yet here I am craving the disorientation, the new language, the beautiful backdrops, and just how everything completely disconnected me from the stresses of home life. If I’m completely honest with you, this one wacky little sojourn introduced me to the wonders of cold countries, and may have even started to turn me from a summer person to a cold, wrap-up-warm-lest-you-freeze-your-arse-off person – and here’s why.


Imagine, narwhals! Snow leopards! Arctic hares! Adorable little fluffy wildlife is something I’d rather look out at from my hotel window than, say, killer snakes and spiders. My cousin lived in Australia a while back, and loves telling the story of how he nearly put on his shoe before his friend warned him to shake it out first – and a highly venomous bug fell out. I simply don’t have the balls or dedication to deal with that on a daily basis, and have a colossal hate for mozzies – something I doubt you’d find in -20 degree weather. Along with a distinct lack of pests, diseases don’t tend to flourish in that climate either.


This is mainly just from experience, but I find that you typically feel better when sweat isn’t dripping into your eyes and you’re struggling to breathe from walking up a shady sidewalk in 50 degree heat. I went to Turkey a few years back where they literally had to put warnings out on the television telling people not to leave their homes lest they overheat and die. Imagine, I went to the Aegean for a warm summer holiday but instead ended up spending it at the bar in the shade. At night, all you need in cold weather is a nice duvet to fall asleep, but in hot countries there’s nothing you can do except sleep in the fridge.


I stand by the fact that one of the greatest joys in life is hot coco, and the only reasonable time to drink it is when you’re freezing your bum off in a foreign country. Imagine holing up at a snowy table with a hot chocolate in your mitten-clad hands as a bunch of snowboarders whizz past, or inside a warm car with ice crystals on the windows as you glance out over the aurora borealis. It’s so much better than when you’ve got perspiration sliding down your eyebrows, and definitely makes the colder moments sweeter.


Whilst I’ve loved going to slightly warmer places like the canary islands, I hate that most people just visit for a cheap piss-up, doing things like knocking your camera out of your hand and shouting drunken comments at you. By my reckoning, the further north you go, the less crazy tourists with regrettable tattoos and gonorrhea there are. Maybe it’s just because Tenerife is a lot cheaper to fly to than Sweden or because the drinks are insanely expensive, but I’m pretty chuffed with it either way.


When I went with my ex-boyfriend to Poland we stayed in the ugliest, most cramped room ever, and normally I would have completely hated it. But coming in from freezing, slightly uncomfortable weather to this cosy little room with blankets, junk food, and the Peep Show on Netflix, I was super happy every time we went back. The staff were super rude, our neighbours kept using the water I’d just boiled in the kettle, and from the outside it looked slightly like we were in a public prison – but it turned out to be the most fun I’d had on a trip in an age, and I was lucky to share it with someone who became my best friend. Cold countries and odd experiences bring people together, and being able to laugh about it in a teeny little room with some pretzel sticks is one of those experiences you’ll feel blessed to have had.


I love being warm indoors in cold weather, by a little fire and wearing super fluffy socks. Staying somewhere cold also gives you the opportunity to cuddle in closer with your loved one – plus it’s super adorable to look out and see snow and mountains and people messing around on ski lifts together.


Cold weather is proven to be better at tightening and toning your skin, and being surrounded by fresh alp air and clear water makes you feel instantly better. Merely standing around being cold burns calories, and the lower climate outside aids inflammation within the body. Along with helping you sleep better, giving you more energy, clearing your mind, and helping you breathe easier, some studies suggest that colder weather even produces longer lifespans. Imagine, you get to spend more time on the earth feeling better – and you get to make snow angels!


I have been dry-skiing in warmer countries, and honestly, I don’t think that it really lives up to the hype of normal skiing down snowy saloons that are dotted with little huts selling fratwursts and warm pastries. When it’s icy out, you can ice-skate on frozen lakes and ride a snow mobile, along with bob-sleighing, snow kiting, and sledding down hills with your friends. I can assure you that by contrast, no one’s looked at Namibia on a map, sighed, and wistfully said “man, I wish we could go to Namibia so I could do sports that make my fringe stick to my forehead with sweat”.


The gorgeous landscapes of colder countries really can’t be matched. Whilst I adore the concept of visiting the Sphinx or looking out at elephants in the wild, I am also fiercely drawn to the idea of being able to stare at some incredible sights that have been carved wholly by nature, whilst throwing snowballs at people. It’s pretty insane when you’re in places like this to be able to look up at the view and realise that the backdrops are all natural wonders – especially when I clock that I’ve lived in the concrete jungle of London for the past few years.

Despite what a lot of people say, cold weather can be fun – and you might even fall in love with a trip to a colder country. For me, Poland is one place I am craving to go back to, but I’d also adore to visit someplace like Moscow or Iceland. The culture shock is straight up one of the best things to experience, but for me, I’ll always be won over by a nice warm mug of hot coco.


Why cold countries are underrated

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Beautiful photos! I never really think to go to Colder places but I'm sure that as long as you wrap up warm it can be really lovely! 🙂 xx

These photos are gorgeous, and I'm loving this post! I'm a huge fan of visiting colder places!

Compared to London, where I live (in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, USA) is pretty cold. When I'm at home (nearby cities are generally a few degrees warmer), the average temperatures are about the same as London during the summer, but then during winter it's something like 20 degrees Fahrenheit colder based upon some charts I looked at. We often get a good number of sub-0 days, and that's in Fahrenheit (so sub-negative 17.8 C days). I don't mind it, but it can get to be a pain with roads sometimes, the amount of snow and ice.

On a separate note, I saw your comment over at Emily's blog and saw that you've started at Uni. How's that going, and what are you studying? I've learned over the last few days that British Uni is very different from American college/university.

All your reasons for visiting colder countries are excellent ones. Bring on that hot coco!
Except for the lack of warm gloves it looks like you dressed well for the cold weather! I love your attitude about the minor adversities. Your photographs of the beautiful landscapes, villages , and the water are wonderful! That dock looks like it's in good shape! I suspect there will be snow on those hills and mountains before Christmas. I'm very glad you and your fellow passengers survived that harrowing flight – it sounds scary!

I'm glad that with hindsight you're seeing the positives to your trip! 🙂 I'm really more of a warm weather person than a cold weather – I don't handle the cold well. Probably as we don't have a lot of it here in Brisbane haha! It is nice to experience different temperatures now and then though!

Hope you have a great weekend ahead of you!

I'm different than you but maybe it is because I live in a region where it gets really cold, so, I will only travel to countries where it is warm.

Some lovely photos and great thoughts on visiting colder locations!

Much love,
Marianne x

I love this list of reasons, as well as your photos. Despite being a summer baby, I prefer the winter and cold weather in general. Perhaps this is why I continue putting up with New England's severe weather–because it balances out with especially cold winters.

I actually prefer cold places! They are great for hiking – something I can't live without! Great post!

Nice photos!

Amazing post, dear! A big hello from Germany!
Hugs ♥

Yes! Hot coco and cold weather are great together! Nice photos!

"Less animals want to kill you" hahah! Love this post. I think I've turned to a winter-lover myself.

I live in a tropical country — Phiilippines and always a summer person esp on rainy and cold days. But rain like snow are almost the same for it allows you to get a warm bed and sleep, more reason to stay in and drink anything hot– this just makes me wanna visit a snowy country too, know the culture.

Hot coco? Yes!! Favourite drink every for those cold days!! I need one now!
Love your photos, so beautiful! x

A wonderful post, dear ♥ And the photos are amazing!
I will be happy with the friendship of blogs and signed up for your Blogger

Nice post and photos! 🙂 Kisses from Poland! xx

I totally agree with all of these points. The photos look incredible in this post!

Wow your pictures are stunning! As I've got older I've started to love cold countries too, in fact my favourite trip has been Iceland! Definitely agree about the less drunken tourists thing – I guess you lose the people who are just after booze and sun haha

So lovely pic! Such amazing atmosphere

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