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Don’t get me wrong, I like New York as a city. However, after a while, I find New York too noisy and too full, and there’s never enough privacy. By contrast, I could have stayed in New Jersey forever.

It is difficult to compare New York to New Jersey because they’re both so incredibly different… but I’m going to do it anyway.

new jersey better than new york

1. The bagels in New Jersey are a million times better than the ones in New York.

2. New York is super crowded and everyone’s always in a rush. The pace of New Jersey is a lot slower, and the whole vibe feels much more relaxed.

3. New Jersey is mega close to Philadelphia, so you don’t have to travel far to get good cheese.

4. New Jersey is one of two states where you don’t have to pump your own gas.

5. New York is suuuuper expensive and you don’t get a whole lot for your money.

visit new jersey

travel new jersey

6. No offence, but New Jersey Taylor Ham is superior to anything that comes out of New York.

7. There’s a helluva lot of super cute diners in New Jersey with significantly less people than New York.

8. New Jersey is a million times cleaner than New York. It has less rats, less filth, less disease (probably).

9. The houses in New Jersey are nicer – unlike in New York, you can even get a backyard!

10. Six Flags is located in New Jersey.

things to do new jersey

new jersey vs new york

11. Everyone loves New Jersey – even the New York Jets and the New York Giants are based in NJ.

12. New Jersey has lower taxes (NY has a sales tax of 8.5%, whereas tax is 3.5% in NJ).

13. “New Jersey” feels better on the tongue, ya know?

14. There’s like, no traffic in New Jersey compared to New York.

15. A lot of people say that raising a family in New Jersey is better than in New York (probably bc of the smaller killer rat population).

move to new jersey

visit new jersey

16. New Jersey is a lot safer than New York, with places like Fort Lee, Edgewater, and Alpine coming up top.

17. New Jersey has better beaches. There, I said it.

18. If you like how NYC looks then there’s no better views from across the Hudson River in New Jersey! Just with less, how do you say, grime?

travel new jersey NJ

view from new jersey

Of course, I do love New York. I love how crazy it is, I love the novelty of it all. But at the end of the day, I’d much rather rest my head in New Jersey.

You might think that I’m grossly wrong and out of order for this one, but I can’t help but love the underdogs! Let me know in the comments below if you’re on team New Jersey or New York 0:)


new jersey vs new york

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Controversial, it is! I can’t believe I’m the first comment on this. Now I’m just going to sit back, grab my popcorn, and watch the comments pour in…

Good luck Amy, you brave soul!

Fun read and I know A LOT of truth to the advantages of New Jersey. But I just love NYC. The Museums, the opera, Broadway shows are so top calibre and amazing. But I do wish rent and taxes were cheaper and the diners less crowded!

I bet New Jersey has a lot of charming hidden gems to discover and I would love to go fully all in to find them! Also, the food scene seems interesting! But I’d still like to visit New York! 🙂

I’m a west coast gal, so I can’t weigh in on this discussion, but based on your post, I’m sure I’d prefer living in New Jersey more! Plus, you’re so close to NYC that you can enjoy all the fun without the disadvantages of living there!

Loved your comparison post. We visited New York but stayed in New Jersey, and I agree the views were awesome.

I must admit we have really only spent time in New York. So it was interesting to read about all New Jersey had going for it. A cleaner spot that is less crowded would be a positive thing. And being safer would be great as a tourist. 

This is such a fun list! Some New Yorkers might not agree 😂, but I think it’s such a refreshing perspective and I love it!

Fun post about New Jersey and NYC! You forgot to add in New Jersey you can see the backside of the Statue of Liberty! Been there done that 😉

I have never been to NYC or New Jersey, so I can’t actually compare the two. It does sound like you have some pretty valid points.

Unfortunately I can’t compare these two cities because I’ve never been in New Jersey! New York is so multi faced, it’s hard to compare it with any other city in the world. But the way you write about New Jersey – with such pride and love, makes me want to see it with my own eyes!

I have yet to visit both, so I will take your word for it haha

I’m with you on this one. I’m in Connecticut and I love New Jersey so much more than New York. The coastline alone makes it great.

You make some compelling points… However, I am a New York City diehard for life, and I can’t live without Broadway!

I love the six flags in New Jersey! That puts it on top automatically, haha! I would love to explore more of New Jersey and hit up some of those cute diners.

This post really made me laugh out loud. You’ve got great points with all those listed, especially the rats I mean probably.

I also enjoyed your Jersey slang. Great post

This was a fun read! I bet there are a lot of hidden gems in New Jersey!

Interesting comparison! I haven’t made it over to New Jersey but it’s definitely on my list next time I’m in this part of the States.

Such a controversial topic!
I came to the comments to see if any New Yorkers had made it to the comments section yet 🤣🤣

Interesting – you have some good arguments there so maybe I should give New Jersey another go. But I feel I will always be Team New York but then again, I come as a visitor and not to stay!

The comments section is where it’s at! Love seeing the debate 🙂 I am team New York

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